Congratulations to the IMPRS-QST Alumni on earning your PhD! Your research, active participation and valuable feedback have significantly enriched our program - thank you for being an essential part of the IMPRS-QST family! We wish you great success in your future endeavors and look forward to staying connected with you.
Below is a list of our alumni, organized by the date of their thesis defense, with the most recent first. To access their theses, click on the titles or use the search engines at the TUM and LMU university libraries:
- Dr. David Castells Graells (2024-11-28): Controlling Light–Matter Interaction via Collective Effects in Atom Arrays
- Dr. Mattia Moroder (2024-11-13): Simulating quantum dissipative and vibrational environments: from single qubits to many-body physics. Dissertation, LMU München: Fakultät für Physik
- Dr. Jakob Unfried (2024-10-17): Advancing Tensor Network Simulations — Hardware Acceleration, Stable Optimization, and Symmetries
- Dr. Kritsana Srakaew (2024-09-24): Rydberg interactions in subwavelength atomic arrays and Hubbard systems
- Dr. Yujie Liu (2024-09-04): Realization and characterization of topological phases of matter on a digital quantum computer
- Dr. Lukas Homeier (2024-07-02): Parton phenomena in doped quantum magnets and quantum simulators - from Hubbard models to lattice gauge theories
- Dr. Etienne Staub (2024-06-20): A New Hybrid Lattice-Tweezer Experiment for Quantum Simulation with Ytterbium Atoms
- Dr. Borislav Polovnikov (2024-06-13): Moiré physics in the semiconductor MoSe2/WS2 heterostructure
- Dr. Johannes Halbinger (2024-03-22): Imaginary- and Real-Frequency Correlation Functions in Condensed Matter Physics: General Properties and Applications
- Dr. Rajah Nutakki (2023-12-19): Spin liquids on the centred pyrochlore lattice
- Dr. Arthur Christianen (2023-11-10): Bose polarons, ultracold molecules, and quantum computing
- Dr. Frederik Bopp (2023-10-13): Electrical, magnetic and optical control of an artificial molecule
- Dr. Oriana Dießel (2023-09-12): Polaron Physics and Phase Transitions in Light-Matter Systems
- Dr. Giulio Pasqualetti (2023-07-21): Probing the thermodynamics of SU(N)-symmetric Fermi gases with ultracold atoms
- Dr. Malte Kremser (2023-07-21): Excitons in Mono- and Bilayers of Transition-Metal Dichalcogenides
- Dr. Felix Palm (2023-06-28): Fractional Chern Insulators in Hofstadter-Hubbard Models: New Probes and Routes Towards Cold Atom Quantum Simulation
- Dr. Julian Bender (2023-06-12): Quantum and classical methods for lattice gauge theories in higher dimensions
- Dr. Margret Heinze (2023-04-28): Quantum Fault-Tolerance with Continuous Variable Systems
- Dr. Noelia Fernández (2023-03-03): Electronic transport in suspended rhombohedral few-layer graphene and 1T-TaS2
- Dr. Asli Cebe (2023-01-31): Methods for Thermalization and Equilibration Dynamics in Quantum Many-Body Systems
- Dr. Oscar Bettermann (2022-11-21): Interorbital interactions in ytterbium-171
- Dr. Elisabeth Wybo (2022-09-23): Tensor product state algorithms for characterizing entanglement and excitations of correlated quantum matter
- Dr. Patrick Emonts (2022-09-23): Algorithms for Hamiltonian Quantum Field Theories
- Dr. Giacomo Giudice (2022-09-21): Applications of tensor networks to open problems in many-body quantum physics
- Dr. Jiří Guth Jarkovský (2022-09-19): Quantum Information Methods in Many-Body Physics
- Dr. Johannes Feldmeier (2022-09-05): Nonequilibrium dynamics in constrained quantum many-body systems
- Dr. Caroline de Groot (2022-06-24): Topological Phases, Symmetries and Open Systems
- Dr. Tommaso Guaita (2022-06-13): Quantum Variational Methods for Gaussian States and Beyond
- Dr. Elias Walter (2022-02-17): Real-frequency dynamics of quantum impurity models studied with fRG, NRG, CFT
- Dr. Stefan Langenfeld (2022-02-14): Quantum Communication with a Two-Atoms Network Node
- Dr. Janik Schönmeier-Kromer (2022-02-03): Calculation of Quantum Error Correction Thresholds and Numerical Analysis of the Spinful Bose-Fermi-Hubbard Model
- Dr. Alexander Schuckert (2021-11-08): Probing nonequilibrium quantum matter with two-time correlation functions
- Dr. Thomas Kohlert (2021-06-30): Probing weak ergodicity breaking in the one-dimensional Fermi-Hubbard model
- Dr. Dominik Irber (2021-06-24): Robust all-optical single-shot readout of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond
- Dr. Christoph Sünderhauf (2021-04-21): Chaos in Many-Body Quantum Systems
- Dr. Nelson Darkwah Oppong (2021-04-15): Probing many-body physics with multiorbital quantum gases
- Dr. Anna Hackenbroich (2021-02-23): Entanglement in chiral topological systems
- Dr. Martina Gschwendtner (2021-02-22): Programmable Quantum Processors
- Dr. Annabelle Bohrdt (2021-02-18): Probing strongly correlated many-body systems with quantum simulation
- Dr. Sebastian Scherg (2021-01-28): Probing nonequilibrium dynamics in Fermi-Hubbard chains – from extensively-many to few conserved quantities
- Dr. Karen Wintersperger (2020-09-23): Realization of Floquet Topological Systems with Ultracold Atoms in Optical Honeycomb Lattices
- Dr. Johannes Knörzer (2020-09-22): Semiconductor-Based Electron Lattices for Quantum Information Processing
- Dr. Nicola Pancotti (2020-07-10): Methods for Quantum Dynamics, Localization and Quantum Machine Learning
- Dr. Antonio Rubio Abadal (2020-06-23): Probing Quantum Thermalization and Localization in Bose-Hubbard systems
- Dr. Sebastian Huber (2020-05-18): A model study of momentum-selective Mott physics: numerical approaches and effective models for hole-doped Mott insulators
- Dr. Fabian Kugler (2019-10-29): Renormalization group approaches to strongly correlated electron systems
- Dr. Dimitri Pimenov (2019-10-07): Beyond the Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson paradigm: Analytical studies of non-standard quantum criticality
- Dr. Konstantin Merz (2019-07-16): Über die Grundzustandsdichte relativistischer Coulomb-Systeme
- Dr. Simon Weidinger (2018-12-14): Non-equilibrium Field Theory of Condensed Matter Systems – Periodic Driving and Quantum Quenches